Goalkeeper Wiz

Goalkeeper Wiz

Play Goalkeeper Wiz Game Online

Experience the thrill of being the last line of defense, Goalkeeper Wiz offers an immersive online gaming experience where you play as a goalie. The primary aim is to block as many shots as possible, enhancing your skills as you progress through different levels. Furthermore, the game features various modes that keep players engaged for hours.


  • Realistic ball physics that challenge your reflexes
  • Multiple levels of increasing difficulty
  • Engaging sound effects and vibrant graphics
  • Customizable goalkeeper avatars
  • Daily challenges to earn rewards


  • Mouse: Move the glove to block shots
  • Keyboard: Use arrow keys for quick movements
  • Touchscreen: Swipe to save shots on mobile devices

Release Date

Initially launched on June 15, 2022, Goalkeeper Wiz has been continually updated to improve the gaming experience.


Goalkeeper Wiz was developed by Sporty Games Studio, renowned for its sports simulation games that captivate a wide audience.


  • Web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
  • Android devices via Google Play Store
  • iOS devices via App Store

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