

Play RiddleMath Game Online

For those who enjoy blending mathematics with fun, RiddleMath offers a unique and engaging online experience. This game is not only about solving math problems but also involves a series of thought-provoking puzzles. Additionally, each level challenges players to think outside the box, potentially making learning math incredibly enjoyable. Furthermore, RiddleMath is designed for both children and adults eager to boost their mathematical prowess.


  • Innovative math riddles and puzzles
  • Adaptive difficulty levels catering to various age groups
  • Interactive user interface
  • Progress tracking and achievements
  • Ability to compete with friends online


  • Easy-to-use mouse and keyboard controls
  • Touchscreen support for mobile devices
  • User-friendly navigation menu
  • Hint button to assist in more challenging riddles

Release Date

Officially launched in early 2023, this game swiftly gained popularity among online gamers and educational platforms. Consequently, it became a go-to choice for teachers seeking interactive learning tools and gamers looking for something different.


Developed by MathFun Studios, a team well-known for creating educational games that manage to entertain and educate simultaneously. Their primary focus includes developing content that is educational and, more importantly, enjoyable.


  • Available on PC with web browser compatibility
  • Supported on iOS and Android devices
  • Optimization for tablets ensured
  • Cross-platform play enabled

More Games Like RiddleMath

For players who wish to explore similar experiences, a few noteworthy options are available. Consequently, these alternatives maintain the fun, interactive, and educational spirit found in RiddleMath.

  • NumberKnights: A medieval math adventure
  • PuzzleMath: Solve math puzzles in vibrant worlds
  • MathQuest: An RPG where math challenges unlock progress
  • BrainyNumbers: Engage in rapid math battles